Saturday, June 03, 2006

A long time between drinks...

Oh hi there. I was so flat out with work and busy with all of the other stuff I do, I had no time to blog yesterday. I remembered to take my camera, but to my horror there was no card in it! Oh well, that didn't stop me from getting a pic for you though. This was taken at my sister and brother in law's house last night. They treated us to a lovely roast pork dinner. Afterwards, I whipped out my speciality... I love chocolate dumplings. Mmmmm.

This is a picture of my gorgeous daughter Hailey, for those of you who don't know. She's four years old and can be a real challenge at times. They say that stubborness is a good sign in children, because it is transformed into determination and strong will later in their lives. I hope it doesn't mean that she's likely to be a pain in the backside for the rest of our lives!

Nah, she's an angel really. But I should probably face the inevitable fact that she's not going to stay that way. I can only hope that she makes responsible choices in her life. I was a pain in the neck for my parents at times. I lacked direction at times and even in my adult life, have strayed the path on more than one occasion. But we all make mistakes, wrong decisions at times and inevitably learn from those life choices. Sometimes its all roses, and sometimes it just plain sucks... But hey, that's what life is all about isn't it? Making choices.

Choosing to change our lifestyles can be some of the toughest challenges we may ever face in life. I certainly have been forced to make a few. We seem to identify people based on the way they choose to live. Or at least, we tend to make strong judgements about others based on their lifestyle preferences. Therefore, our ego's seem to be the first hit when we are forced to make such changes. It is a difficult thing to remain neutral and non-judgemental toward others, despite our best efforts sometimes. Occasionally, we are caught up in our own importance and are not mindful of the feelings of others.

By the way, this cheese platter was yummy. I took full advantage of it to take my first photo for the day after tracking down that damn compact flash card. As you are fully aware, cheese comes from the skillful crafting of that well known substance that is extracted from bovine mammory glands. This is yet more evidence of our need to remain supportive (yet ever vigilant) of our bovine counterparts.


At 1:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mooooooooooooo.....I LOVE that platter of dairy goodness and so moooooved to read that you are positively promoting mammory gland extraction.

Judgement of others' lifestyles never ends in a happy result and we must always be mindful of the feelings of others. We all share one planet and we all have our own lessons to learn and we must always respect others' journeys and how they choose to get there.

Good to read you had roast pork and not beef, I would be disappointed.

At 5:21 pm, Blogger Nicole Finlayson said...

You know Hailey will probably surprise everyone. She's gorgeous, smart, spunky and well her strong will is probably a gift. ;)

Everyone's a pain for their parents. That's part of the joy of being a kid. Shame it comes and bites us back later on.

And yeah that cheese platter does look yummy, lucky we have cows eh???


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