Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Wow, even winter looks great!

Wow, firstly let me say that yesterday presented some spectacular opportunities for photography. As I am supposed to be working though, I am met with the constant moral and professional responsibilities that one is obligated to consider whilst travelling during working hours. I think that it is important to note that it is acceptible to take short breaks during long trips to refresh oneself.

There are obviously some exceptions to this rule, such as the beach shots and inside shots of data centres and computer equipment. But the point that I am trying to make here, is that these places are easy to see without going out of the way to find them. I have never travelled more than 6km off course to take any of my photos. This is why I love our region so much. There is so much to see here in Gippsland.

Whilst working, I never go far off course from my intended destination for a photo (or for anything else for that matter) due mainly to the constraints of time. Yes there is always work to be done and so little time in which to do it. Therefore, the majority of my photos are actually taken from the drivers seat either out the drivers side window or directly through the windshield (usually whilst the vehicle is stationary). Now, to tell a little about these photos... The first is from a hill overlooking the Orbost region. The strange curving structure to the left is actually a trestle bridge for an old disused rail system that runs the lenght of the floodplains where this picture is overlooking.

The next two photos are of a little place called Lake Bunga in the Gippsland Lakes region. A great place to visit. Lovely place and a good spot for kids to paddle too.
The last photo is actually the same rail line viewed at a different location sort of south-west of Orbost. It is currently under a traffic management project that sees new viewing platforms being constructed by a local contractor who was hard at work at the time of this photo.

Well, back to work tomorrow and I hope this blog sees everyone in good spirits and happy and healthy. Cheers till next time :)


At 9:58 pm, Blogger Nathan Finlayson said...

Wow once again great shots G i think you have missed your calling in life.

And i was starting to think that you had too much time on your hands thanks for clearing that up for me and the boss..lol...;)

At 8:44 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great mate, thumbs up ;)

Russ :D


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