Monday, June 19, 2006

Making Rash Decisions.

Tonight I learned that habbit is a very powerful thing to overcome. Now Judo is cool, but post-vasectomy judo is not. There are many reasons not to attempt judo right after a vasectomy. There are however reasons why you might do just that. The first reason may be habbit. The second reason might be over-enthusiasm. The third reason may be the inability to help ones self: My reason... Somewhere between all of these reasons and the fact that I believe in the principles of Judo. A part of me has to reinforce my faith in judo/jujutsu concepts. -For this, I have no doubt that I will be practising martial arts well into old age thanks to the profound teachings and guidance of my instructors. Most are still living (and some have regretably passed away).

I have analysed and tried many martial arts over the past 16 years, but I have not found any that come close to 'completing me' as Tai Jutsu Kai has. For this I must thank my teachers, especially my long time instructor and close friend Kevin McMenamin. He has been there guiding me from the darkness on more than one occasion, when I have been utterly lost. I continue to learn from him, even in his absence. Thankyou So-Soke.

So there is another side to my stupidity tonight that is reflected directly by irrepressible elements of my personality. That is to say...I just can't help myself.
I love martial arts. It is so fun, yet so serious, so dangerous, yet totally controled and as safe as houses all in a single moment. Yes it requires certain physical (and emotional/mental) skills that are attained only through experiential understanding. This is what is so difficult to explain to people about the martial arts. It is like trying to explain the universe in a single breath.

Anyway, I had no intention of rambling on about this, so I will change the subject. But that is what my blog is all about. I tell you about what I want to tell you and you read what I want you to hear. It's a great system really, albeit totally one sided. Anyway it's getting late and I am getting way too deep for a Monday night. I leave you with a quote by someone (made famous by Bruce Lee)?

'It is like a finger pointing away to the moon... Don't concentrate on the finger; or you will miss all the heavenly glory'


At 11:24 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Father Buddha, said, "With our thoughts we make the world".

At 3:15 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah rash decision last u long time....

At 10:10 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rash decisions hey well they will leave a SCARE you know.


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