Friday, June 23, 2006

Into The Groove

Hi there again. Today, Phil and myself delivered and set up PC's at this place in a nearby town. It is a new building that is a multipurpose educational centre. It is a hive of activity at the moment as workers (such as ourselves) were actively going about our various tasks madly working toward our individual goals.

Yesterday however, presented various other challenges in both high security buildings and some very public areas as well. One place that houses this (amongst many other cabinets) array of rack mounted network hardware was my first port of call on what was to be a very busy day. Pictured are two of about 6 cabinets in a single row inside this data centre. Entry is only to authorised personel, and is controlled by a remotely accessible door lock. There is no key or lock visible on the outside and the building is disguised as a regular vacant shop front. It's a bit like the rooms that Maxwell Smart enters at the beginning of 'Get Smart.' You know right before he enters the phone booth. As you are authorised, the door clicks open and you are invited into an empty room that leads to a beige security door that leads to the data cabinets in a sterile beige room with yet another security enabled beige door. Surrounding the almost oddly contrasting black cabinets are beige brick and plaster covered walls with a solitary security camera watching your every move.
A bit creepy really.

Of course my busy day didn't end without a snapshot of this awsome view to the north: as the sun sank beneath the distant Gippsland horizon. Wow.


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