Friday, July 07, 2006

Reflections in the mirror

Seems that everyone likes looking at other people's blogs. Yeah I know. But before you stop and think that it is a little strange, stop to think that when you pass people in the street, they may be thinking about you... How do you know what they are thinking? It could be nice, it could be positive, it may also be something weird or perverse too. But if we worried about this sort of thing all the time, we would be too paranoid to even walk out the door in the morning. Instead, we worry less and less about what people think of us; as the world keeps spinning around; regardless of our individual existence... At least thats the way I see it. By this I don't mean that I don't care about other peoples feelings, of course I do care. I don't wish to harm anyone in this world. What I mean is that I think that as I am getting older, I realise that I am becoming less and less responsible for the feelings of others (with the knowledge that I don't actually have control over other peoples thought processes). If we have the best of intentions toward other people, I feel that we can all rest assured that we have done our best. Other people may have varying standards, but if we are genuinely good people in our hearts, we can't go far wrong.

So like a reflection in the car mirrors, our positive thoughts and intentions will shine back at us just the same way as the negative ones will also. This is the way of God and the way of our universe. We can see the light from stars that have long since extinguished. Our galaxy is full of debris and particles from what once existed in the form of things like us and our planet, but have been recycled perhaps - and are now seeking to form new planets and galaxies. I believe therefore that we are immortal in a way. We are born, we live and we die. We are recycled back to the Earth for another life to begin. People die all the time. People are born all the time. people are living at every moment of every day, but in the scheme of things; on a universal scale we are no more or less important than any other being on this planet, or any other being on any other planet. We are just another piece of the puzzle that is. We owe it to every part of the universe to nurture and care for our fellow man and indeed our world.

Cool stuff I reckon. We all have a big responsibility, but all it takes is just a little more care and thoughtful consideration to make the whole world a much better place. I know it all sounds too easy. I am a bit of a philosophical idealist at heart, and so the world to me, by my fundamental understanding of it may be nothing like your view of it. Life is a funny thing, and the more that you think about it, the less it makes sense... and perhaps the less sense I make in trying to convey my understanding of it to you. The thing I really like about life is the whole concept of perception. When I look into the mirror (of life), I may see things that you never dream of. Conversely, I may never see things as you do. I may never realise the dreams that you have come to know.


At 9:36 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I am a bit of a philosophical idealist at heart, and so the world to me, by my fundamental understanding of it may be nothing like your view of it."

Um do I have to comment on that? Or can I say I have read this whole thing nodding and saying "Yes exactly"



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